Senin, 19 Juli 2010


By Sam Maranresy,MSC

The Question about “What is the meaning of being MSC, FDNSC and BOLSH (Brothers of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Indonesia today” is an interesting question, yet not easy to answer, even difficult. It is interesting, for it challenges every msc, FDNSC and BOLSH to search for the meaning of his/her existence in Indonesian society that is plural and complex. It is difficult for it requires a keen observation and sensibility on the condition and situation of the Indonesian society in order to respond effectively, accurately and fully to the situation and the needs of the Indonesian society. Inspite of this difficulty, it remains as good question to reflect on along our life in order to find the meaning for our existence as the followers of the Spirituality of the Heart.


Indonesia is a society that is plural consists of at least 13.000 islands, with variety of more than 7000 languages, with different ethnicities, traditional and cultural backgrounds. One of the many other things that can make us proud to be Indonesians is inspite of our differences we commit to use one national language namely Bahasa Indonesia. The differences, on one hand help us to enrich one another, yet on the other hand can be a source of conflict and war in the society. Aside from that, the variety of religions and spirituality backgrounds in Indonesian society, is not only become an enriching element for the growth of morality and spiritual life of the Indonesians, yet they can be also the source for the conflicts and wars, that creates divisions among the people, when some parties used them to win their political interests. In this sense, inevitably the minority will be the victims and be victimized. In fact, Indonesian society in which Moslems are majority it is very easy to build mosques everywhere and anywhere, but it not easy, even is really difficult to build a single church. It often happens that the churches were closed by force of the Moslems in the area in which the church was built.

In the governmental and political fields, truth and justice are two virtues which are not easy to fight for. The Indonesian democracy which manifests itself on multiparty can become a very fertile source for the growth of untruth and injustice to happen, when the governments and political parties seek for their own interests by using the money of the people to enrich themselves. Aside from that, those who are entrusted to fight on corruptions and to build truth and justice in the society, often afflicted by gluttony, and can be bought by money – thus truth and justice become impossible to grow. Again the voiceless people become victims and be victimized. Taking for example, it ever happened that in the court a man who stole a water melon was imprisoned for three months, whereas another man who stole millions money of the Indonesians was not able to be imprisoned for many reasons and procedures of the law. Thus we can say that before the law, the law is very strong for the low ones, yet it is very weak for the strong ones. This is a real fact the hurts the conscience of the people.

In this kind of situation we, as MSC, FDNSC, and FBOLSH challenge ourselves by asking this question: “What is the meaning of our existences as MSC, FDNSC and BOLSH in Indonesia today? Or what we have to do in order to effectively renew the society which is unjust and corrupted?


In the midst of society, in which the corruption, injustice and untruthfulness grow fertile, I think the MSC, FDNSC and BOLSH are called to sound and to carry out the truth and justice in the society for the lowly and the voiceless. Thus the second question we can ask to ourselves is “How can the MSCs, FDNSCs and BOLSHs sound out and carry out the truth and justice for the lowly ones and the voiceless ones in the society? This question guides me to reflect more on the AWARENESS OF OUR IDENTITY, ABILITY TO BUILD SALVIVIC RELATIONSHIPS and ABILITY TO FULLY INCANATE IN THE COSIETY

1. ABILITY TO IDENTIFY THE INNER FORCES WITHIN THE SELF AND LIVING OUT THE SPIRITUALITY OF THE HEART. Fighting for the truth and the justice requires an ability of the MSCs, FDNSCs and BOLSHs to firstly be aware of themselves and identify the tendencies, the needs and interests, inner aspirations and in-depth longings within themselves, in order to discern the spirits from within and choose to always be one-sided with God. This can be a good help to be always in touch with their real selves and living out the spirituality of the heart fruitfully and to effectively carry out the truth and justice to the society. The ability to identify the inner forces within the self on the other hand can enable the MSCs, FDNSCs and BOLSHs to be committed religious persons and living out their vows fruitfully. By realizing and identifying the inner forces keenly, clearly and sincerely he/she will not be directed by the forces, but instead he/she will be the one to direct his/her own life. People often say to us, religious men/women: “You are the one who profess your vows, but we are the ones who carry and living them out in the real life”, whenever they find within us inconsistency in living out our religious vows – or living our religious life with so many hidden motivations or unknown inner forces from within. If such thing happens – then we become the source of injustice and untruthfulness in the society.

2. ABILITY TO BUILD SALVIVIC RELATIONSHIP WITH OUR SELVES, WITH OTHERS AND WITH GOD. Living and existing in a pluralistic society such as Indonesia requires the MSCs, FDNSc and BOLSHs to open wide themselves and build relationships and cooperation with other people from different religions and cultural backgrounds. Ability to build a cross-cultural relationships on one hand can bridge and minimize the differences among the people and on the other hand can make our existence as MSCs, FDNSCs and BOLSHs, the good qualities within the selves and even our spirituality itself be felt, be sensed and experienced by others. It makes our existence can be effective and useful for the society. It often happen that living between the walls in the make us to be stiff and aloof person and not easy to open ourselves to others. Today’s gospel puts in our midst a story about good Samaritan that can be good reflection for us on how to build relation and communication with others, even with a stranger by spontaneously letting go the fears, the differences and religious sentiments and stretching out his arms to help the victims. Above all, building a deep relationship with God have to be the source of inspirations for our beings and doings in the society.

3. ABILITY TO FULLY INCARNATE IN THE SOCIETY. The last point I tend to reflect on is INCARNATION. The meaning of our presence and existence as MSCs, FDNSCs, and BOLSHs in Indonesia is determined by the ability to really and fully incarnate in the society in which we come, present, live and carry out our life mission. To incarnate fully means that we come, live, and fully present for the church and the society in which we live and serve. Two terms that can fully express the true meaning of the incarnation of Jesus is “leaving” and “letting go”. Jesus does not only leave His equality with God the Father, but also letting go His Divinity in order to be a real man and lives among human beings. Being a man He feels and experiences all kinds of human’s experiences even death when He chose to lower Himself and be the Servant of all and for all. Yet, at the Cross, through death, He opened wide His arms and embrace all as His own. He leaves and letting go everything in order to receive and embrace all things and human beings as His own. Only by living out incarnation of Jesus as ours – can help us to incarnate fully in the society and make our presence as MSCs, FDNSCs and BOLSHs meaningful for others. Amen


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